As a candidate :
If you are a European citizen, you can stand as a candidate in the municipal elections. (Not for the provincial elections, which take place on the same day).
As a voter :
As a foreigner (citizen of a nationality other than Belgian, European or non-European) in Belgium, you can take part as a voter in the municipal elections (not the provincial elections) under the conditions below.
Conditions :
You must :
- be registered in the municipality, in the population register or in the register of foreign nationals, on 1st August 2024
- be aged 18 or over on election day
- not have been excluded or suspended from the right to vote
- be registered on the electoral roll.
Special conditions for non-belgians from outside the european union:
In addition to the general conditions referred to above, the following special conditions must also be met for non-Belgians from outside the European Union who reside in Belgium and are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union:
- Make a declaration of commitment to comply with the Constitution, the laws of the Belgian people and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
- At the time of submitting the application, maintain five continuous years of principal residence in Belgium, covered by the admission or authorization to reside.
Reminder: these conditions apply to British citizens who register from 01/02/2020.
To this end, you must complete an application form to register on the electoral roll. This form can be obtained free of charge from the municipality, or upon request from info@tervuren-unie.be (you will receive the form in Dutch and French; it is the Dutch version that should be returned to the municipality), or completed on the website (FR-NL-DE): https://www.inscription.elections.fgov.be/
Sign up on mobile via “It’s me” by scanning or clicking on this QR code.
Si vous étiez inscrit pour les élections communales précédentes (de 2018), votre inscription reste valable, à condition que vous continuiez à satisfaire aux conditions d’électorat. Si vous ne souhaitez plus participer aux élections locales, vous devez renoncer par écrit à votre qualité d’électeur.
Plus d’infos :