Serge Liesenborghs

Communal councillor, Finance Manager in the social sector

Born in Liège to a family from Ghent, I’ve been living in Tervuren since 1996 with my wife from Antwerp and our 3 children. A true Belgian family, as much as Flemish! I want to contribute to a caring society that respects every culture and cares for future generations. Tervuren Unie + Volt is the only list that embodies these values of openness, diversity, ethics and rigour, and a commitment to a more inclusive and responsible society in the face of climate change. I’m very attached to my municipality, where I’ve been an active Bexit, CPAS and communal councillor since 2012, while leading the Tervuren Unie team. I also enjoy tennis, jogging and cycling, my favourite means of transport. I was a Scout leader for a long time, and I remain close to the values of the movement. I’m currently financial manager in a social housing company, after studying law, economics and financial management at the ULG, the KUL and Vlekho.

Tracey D’Afters

Communication Strategist

Tracey D’Afters Tracey D’Afters has lived in Tervuren since 2009. A Belgian citizen since 2018, she finds integration easier with her Flemish husband and young family. Fluent in several languages including Dutch and French, Tracey is connected to both local and international communities. Concerned about local political representation, she advocates for a more inclusive town council. As a communications professional, Tracey values dialogue and co-founded the Volt party branch in Tervuren to reflect diverse viewpoints and ensure every individual is heard and valued in local politics.

Geoffroy de Visscher

Communal councillor, Business engineer

Business engineer active in the banking sector, aged 44, married to Mélanie, father of 3, trilingual FR, NL and EN. I’ve lived in Tervuren since 1996. I discovered hockey late but with a passion, and you can regularly find me on or around the Blue Lions pitch in Duisburg, with my children or with our Trim team. As a communal councillor since 2018, I’m keen to act as a link between all residents and the municipality, by regularly relaying concerns to the communal council (dozens of interventions since I took office), or by informing residents of important decisions for the municipality of Tervuren. I am particularly interested in issues relating to mobility, town planning and the sound financial management of the municipality. As well as making grand speeches, I like to propose practical solutions that respond quickly, concretely and effectively to the needs of the people of Tervuren, whatever their language!

Magdalena Garczynska

Mechanical Engineer

Magdalena, a mechanical engineer by training, moved to Tervuren in 2009 while expecting her first child. Over the past 15 years, she has seen the town grow by nearly 10%.
Magdalena advocates for gradual, impactful improvements in the quality of life, focusing on integration, local community support, and care for all ages. She highlights the need for more activities for children and teenagers in the town. Balancing a full-time job and raising three children, Magdalena emphasizes the importance of Dutch for integration and calls for a town council that listens and collaborates.

Nadine Gabet

Communal councillor, Doctor

I spent my childhood, until I was 15, in Tervuren and have been back there since 2015. I trained as a doctor and worked for the Province of Brabant, then in an administration and various ministerial cabinets in Brussels, where I was responsible for health policy and social affairs. Retired for 10 years, I have been working a few hours a week for the last 2 years, examining the medical files of disabled people. I’ve been a local councillor since 2020 and I’m particularly interested in everything to do with people, especially the elderly and their well-being.

Dafydd ab Iago


Dafydd, a journalist with nearly three decades of European coverage, notes: “More Tervurenaars know Donald Trump than our mayor, which is surprising since local politics affects our daily lives—schools, swimming pools, roadworks, and safe routes for children.”
Since moving to Tervuren in 2016, Dafydd has covered local stories and volunteered with various associations. He values community engagement, noting Tervuren’s diversity with 110 nationalities. Co-founder of Volt Tervuren, Dafydd believes the party will bring European expertise and fresh ideas to address local issues to get the best for our town.

Mamy Rafamantanana

Analytical scientist

44 years old, originally from Madagascar, married and mother of 2 boys at a Dutch-speaking school, scientist (UCL graduate). We moved from Zaventem to Tervuren in 2017, appreciating the calm and greenery of Tervuren. I joined Tervuren Unie attracted by its inclusive orientation, and to support the principle of living in harmony, all together, being able to integrate and express ourselves naturally, while respecting the Flemish character of Tervuren.

Sébastien Londot

Knowledge Adoption Manager

Born in Brazil, Sébastien’s love for trail running brought him to Tervuren in 2022. Having studied in Belgium and Finland, Sébastien is fluent in French, English, Dutch, and speaks some Spanish. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Engineering from the Université Catholique de Louvain and has built a career in financial software management. As a new resident of Tervuren, he emphasizes the importance of including all of town’s 113 nationalities in social and political life. In both his professional and personal life, Sébastien strives to embody the principles of perseverance, environmental stewardship, and a commitment to making a positive impact—qualities that resonate deeply with Volt’s values: think European, act locally.

Cédric Everard de Harzir

Inspecteur Bpost, Electricien indépendant

Born in Liège, married for 28 years and father of 3 (grown-up) daughters. Graduated in Accounting and in Economic and Social Sciences UMH. Bpost inspector for 27 years, manager of an electricity company, trilingual. Former communal councillor (12 years) and CPAS in Zaventem. Former Guide Unit leader (20 years of scouting). Enjoys motorcycling, jogging and scuba diving. I’ve been living in Tervuren since 2018, and find it a real haven of peace. But there is room for improvement in municipal management at various levels: multilingualism, infrastructure, public works, accessibility, etc. … . By getting involved with Tervuren Unie + Volt I’d like to contribute to improving these various areas.

Myriam Ben David


Marie-Chantal Verhulst

Former translator
Born in Mechelen, I spent my entire school career there. I started out as a teacher in Dutch-speaking primary education, before going on to work as a translator in ministerial offices in Brussels. My love of nature led me to choose this magnificent commune to settle in with my little dogs. I love the open-mindedness of Tervuren Unie and am particularly concerned about preserving nature and large trees when new buildings are built.

Jean-Pierre Goeseels

Ex-sales manager

Born and raised in a bilingual family in Brussels, Jean-Pierre grew up navigating both Dutch and French cultures. A Solvay Business School graduate, his international career in sales and marketing took him across the globe, from founding a commercial office in Cairo to holding key executive roles at Sabena, Columbus and the International Taste and Quality Institute (iTQi). Fluent in Dutch, French, and English, and conversant in several other languages, Jean-Pierre’s cosmopolitan experience enriches his ability to connect with Tervurenaars. As a volunteer certified mediator in Flemish Brabant and active member of Fietsersbond Tervuren, Jean-Pierre remains deeply engaged in his community.

Angela Chang-Grelet

A photographer and visual artist, I’ve been living in Tervuren for 5 years with my husband. We have a daughter who is studying. I was born in Hong Kong 59 years ago, and that helped to develop my concern about the importance of democracy (and its fragility). I feel at home in Tervuren where so many nationalities live together. I want to contribute to preserving the beauty of our municipality, and to developing multicultural living together.

Christian Ratsimba

Financial analyst

Born in Madagascar, Christian has lived in France and the UK, and Belgium since 2011. After marrying in 2012, he and his wife initially settled in Zaventem, and later welcomed twin boys. Since 2017, Christian has called Tervuren home. Learning Dutch has opened many doors for family. However, integrating all Tervurenaars, regardless of their origins, and ensuring equal participation in town politics and social life, remains a challenge the community must address. Christian would like to see more activities that bring that unite all the town’s 113 nationalities rather than divide them.

Christian Wellens

Claudia Zapata

Business Planner Project Leader

Originally from Columbia, Claudia has called Belgium home for almost 20 years. Aiding internationals relocating to Belgium and Tervuren has added to Claudia#39;s own personal insight into how building strong relationships is key to integrating Tervuren’s growing community of 44% non-Belgians. Diversity is something to be proud of and we should embrace it, not shut out people who are different, she believes. Both Dutch and Spanish are the lingua franca in Claudia’s home thanks to her Flemish husband and son. Cross-cultural dialogue and women’s empowerment are also close to her heart, particularly as a former board member of the Brussels Women’s Club.

Caroline Snyers

Office assistant
I’ve lived in Tervuren for 14 years and am a mother of 4 children and a management assistant. I’m passionate about our beautiful community and want to help preserve its green character and welcome the diversity that makes it so rich. I love tennis, walks in the forest and cooking, and I sincerely believe that a united community can overcome challenges together. By joining the Tervuren Unie list, I want to put my energy into a future where everyone feels respected and heard, while preserving the unique environment that makes Tervuren such a great place to live.

Natalia Richardson

Communications expert

Franck Bechdolff

Infographist and Webdesigner
I’m a French computer graphics and web designer. I’m passionate about digital creation and the development of visual solutions. My involvement with Tervuren Unie is motivated by a deep attachment to Tervuren, where I have lived for 4 years. I want to make an active contribution to preserving our quality of life and creating concrete projects that meet the needs of all citizens, so that everyone feels truly represented.

Kseniya Tyshkevych

Project Manager

Originally from Ukraine, Kseniya is passionate about community well-being and safety. She envisions a future where greenery is woven into the urban landscape, creating healthier environments. She wants everyone in Tervuren to be able to walk or cycle safely through the town. Kseniya’s vision also focuses on road safety, particularly for children cycling to school. For nearly two decades, Kseniya has been dedicated to advancing education and development in vulnerable communities worldwide. She currently works with a Belgian NGO that supports rural communities in Central Asia. Through her work she has seen how vital education is for empowering communities and fostering long-term stability.

Marie-Pierre de Béthune

Former researcher in virology
I’ve been living in Tervuren for 17 years and enjoy the mix of nature and conviviality. Mother of three children, including a daughter with multiple disabilities. Three grandchildren. With a doctorate in science, I turned to applied research in infectiology. With my team, we brought three AIDS drugs to market. Perfectly trilingual in French, Dutch and English I want Tervuren to be managed for the benefit of all its citizens, whatever their gender. Listening and hearing everyone’s wishes and needs, and responding to them in a thoughtful and reasonable way – these are the values that attracted me to Tervuren Unie.

Jana Masarčová


Originally from Ukraine, Kseniya is passionate about community well-being and safety. She envisions a future where greenery is woven into the urban landscape, creating healthier environments. She wants everyone in Tervuren to be able to walk or cycle safely through the town. Kseniya’s vision also focuses on road safety, particularly for children cycling to school. For nearly two decades, Kseniya has been dedicated to advancing education and development in vulnerable communities worldwide. She currently works with a Belgian NGO that supports rural communities in Central Asia. Through her work she has seen how vital education is for empowering communities and fostering long-term stability.

Dominique Grelet

IT engineer
58 years old, IT engineer and theology student, married, one daughter studying. Since 2019 I’ve been living in Tervuren, where I enjoy the lively and friendly cultural and linguistic diversity. Originally from the Vendée, I have also lived in Versailles, the USA and Asia. I’m particularly sensitive to climate issues and local initiatives to tackle them.

Paulo Delgadillo Berrocal

Dance teacher/translator

Originally from Peru, and a Tervuren resident for 20 years, Paulo is a graduate in translation and part-time Spanish teacher. He is also a renowned instructor of Latin dances and has shared his passion with others for over three decades. His classes not only provide physical exercise but also offer an important cultural connection, strengthening the community and enhancing well-being. Paulo advocates more support in our town for all local associations and cultural activities to bridge the growing cultural divide. A keen environmentalist, Paulo believes responsibility begins at home in Tervuren and can ripple out to benefit the world.

Natacha Liesenborghs

Communication consultant
After studying at Gito and obtaining my master’s degree in corporate communication at the KU Leuven last year, I spent 6 months travelling in Asia before starting my professional career in a communications agency in Brussels. I’m an active, spontaneous, smiling and absolutely multilingual person! As a mother from Antwerp and a father from Liège of Ghent descent, I’m very grateful to have grown up in a bilingual environment. And I intend to reproduce this bicultural upbringing. I appreciate the fact that Tervuren Unie also promotes this principle at municipal level, enabling everyone in this pleasantly diverse municipality to enrich each other’s lives. In my spare time, I like to cook (vegan!), I’m interested in ecology, I do sport and I simply enjoy life!

Friso Coppes


Born in Amsterdam, Friso moved to Belgium for work in 1997 and now runs a consultancy for European affairs. He has lived in Tervuren for nearly 25 years and is married with a son. For ten years, he ran the English-language children’s bookstore, Treasure Trove. In the upcoming elections, he is proud to stand as a candidate for Volt Tervuren, eager to contribute as a Dutch citizen and convinced that European cooperation is crucial to the growth and development of our charming town.

Olivier Thomas

Self-employed and teacher in higher education establishment
Born in Antwerp, married for 35 years and father of 3 children.
Master’s degree in Commercial and Financial Sciences from ICHEC.
Marine insurance broker for 33 years, organizer of medical congresses and teacher in higher education establishments. Trilingual.
Hockey coach, Scout Unit leader. Fan of comic books, scuba diving and hot-air ballooning.
Having lived in Tervuren for 8 years, I’m amazed at the cultural diversity of its inhabitants. Unfortunately, this diversity is not sufficiently promoted by the Commune, which tends to stigmatize. Hence my commitment to Tervuren Unie – Volt to seriously improve this aspect in compliance with the language laws.