Local elections: participation of non-Belgian residents

As a candidate :

If you are a European citizen, you can stand as a candidate in the municipal elections. (Not for the provincial elections, which take place on the same day).

As a voter :

As a foreigner (citizen of a nationality other than Belgian, European or non-European) in Belgium, you can take part as a voter in the municipal elections (not the provincial elections) under the conditions below.

Conditions :

You must : be registered in the municipality, in the population register or in the register of foreign nationals, on 1 August 2024
be aged 18 or over on election day
not have been excluded or suspended from the right to vote
be registered on the electoral roll.
To do this, you must complete an application form to be included on the electoral roll. This form can be obtained free of charge from the municipality, or on request from info@tervuren-unie.be (you will receive the form in Dutch and French, it is the NL version that you should return to the municipality), or completed on the website (FR-NL-D): http://www.inscription.elections.fgov.be/

If you were registered for the previous municipal elections (in 2018), your registration remains valid, provided you continue to meet the electoral requirements. If you no longer wish to take part in local elections, you must renounce your electoral rights in writing.

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